What IoT means and why it depends?

I have traveled a lot in the last 5-6 years. Most of the trips were work related and I was doing my job as an IoT and cloud evangelist. The most noticeable for me was that many of my colleagues had a completely different view of the cloud and IoT – of course, this discrepancy can be explained by different levels (or even lack) of knowledge on these topics, but … The definition of cloud and IoT was heavily dependent on position of my partner, if he was a technical expert or a manager or even worked in different domains like heavy industry and agriculture. Today you have a unique opportunity to see 3 different experts from completely different domains trying to define IoT and working on a common understanding of this paradigm – is it even possible? Check it out!

Our speakers

Konrad Dróżka

Grzegorz Stawicki

Łukasz Schulz